Dropshipping Import Products for WooCommerce Nulled will allow you to import and periodically synchronize products from XML and CSV files to WooCommerce. Import and synchronize wholesale products with WooCommerce products. Add margin to the prices of imported products. Use conditional logic. Make your work easier.

All features in brief

Dropshipping Import Products for WooCommerce Free Download will allow you to import quickly and flexibly manage product synchronization between your store and your warehouse.

Easy product import process

✅ Drag&Drop product mapper
✅ Intuitive management of imported files
✅ User-friendly interface with drag’n’drop editor
✅ Easy to use the process of importing products
✅ File Preview
✅ No limits on imported files or products
✅ Support for tags drag&drop from files to WooCommerce fields
✅ No limits on imported files or products

Import products

✅ Import Simple, Variable, and External/Affiliate Products
✅ Edit synchronization and mapping of files and products
✅ Choose product fields to update
✅ Create new products, also as drafts
✅ Support for product images
✅ Create new categories automatically
✅ Support for two file formats – CSV & XML
✅ Discover the FTP Import for Dropshipping Import Products for WooCommerce add-on

Product Mapper with multiple features

✅ Conditional Logic to set rules for imports & updates
✅ Mapping the product Tax Rates
✅ Mapping the store category with categories from a file
✅ Mapping of WooCommerce attributes
✅ Automatic price modification during import
✅ Cyclical product synchronization
✅ Flexible synchronization settings